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Home » Insights » “You don’t have to know what career you want; STEM skills are very transferable”

Azalea Micottis

Chemistry at Imperial

I’m Azalea and I work within the Bloomberg Analytics department, where I specialise in equity functionalities.

I often collaborate across other teams and departments, to help make a positive impact for our clients.

I love that I have the flexibility to propose innovative ideas that can benefit the department – and then implement and manage these projects myself.

For anyone that has a passion for the sciences, I would strongly recommend a STEM degree.

My Dad inspired me into STEM

The main figure who has inspired me academically, throughout my childhood and today, is my Dad. So, encouraging females in these kinds of areas from a young age might help inspire more women to consider STEM career pathways, too.

My degree in chemistry provided me with a skill set that was transferable outside of the subject.

The main concepts lent heavily on logic, a solid analytical background, and the ability to interpret and deliver results.

Today, these are all skills that I draw from in my day-to-day work.

Be open about the career opportunities out there

My STEM degree at university allowed me to build on my analytical capabilities, which can be transferred across a wide range of other disciplines.

Not everyone knows exactly what kind of career they intend on following, but having a background in a STEM subject can help unlock doors outside of academia in many different areas.

For anyone that has a passion for the sciences, I would strongly recommend a STEM degree .

Deciding the career path can be very tricky and can take a lot of time! I have ended up on a pathway that I did not anticipate initially, but this was mostly down to being open to opportunities and applying for different types of internships, work experience, and networking to deepen my understanding of the industries that interested me.

I learned about my current role at Bloomberg through LinkedIn. I would give this advice to anyone looking to follow a similar career to my own.

I enjoy working with financial data, and in the future, can see myself developing my skills in Python and transitioning to a more quantitative role.

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